My Journey to a                     lifestyle      


I know what it feels like to

Feel guilty after eating your favorite foods 

Constantly try new diets and challenges and then gain all your weight back 

Use food to cope with stress, anxiety, boredom and other emotions

 My Journey to a                     lifestyle      


I know what it feels like to

Feel guilty after eating your favorite foods 

Constantly try new diets and challenges and then gain all your weight back 

Use food to cope with stress, anxiety, boredom and other emotions

Your Health Journey Doesn’t Have To Be An All-or-Nothing Approach

Hi, I'm Carlee, a Nutrition Health Coach who specializes in Emotional Eating, Weight Management, and Hormone Health. I empower women to redefine their relationship with food and learn holistic weight management solutions for lasting health and happiness. 

For years, I would go on countless diets, challenges, and meal plans, leading me into a pattern of being restrictive during the week and binging over the weekends. This journey resulted in major weight fluctuations, a constant struggle with obsessive calorie counting, and a cycle of yo-yo dieting. 

I lacked self-love, avoided social situations due to food-related anxieties, and experienced guilt when eating my favorite foods. Additionally, I battled with acne, struggled with non-stop anxiety and depression, and endured constant exhaustion, brain fog, and fatigue. I lived each day in frustration not knowing why I was experiencing any of these things.

It’s overwhelming, discouraging, and hopeless. 

I finally decided that enough was enough. 

As I was feeling helpless with everything I was experiencing, I found myself stuck in a toxic relationship which caused me to lose touch with my true self. Ending that relationship, I turned to food for healing, going back to my restriction and binging. One day, feeling overwhelmingly sick and depressed, I reached a breaking point and decided to fully commit to my health journey.

I decided to invest in a coach, therapist and nutrition expert and embrace healing for my body and mind.

My personal challenges inspired me to develop a passion to wanting to help others who were experiencing similar struggles. I switched career paths and became a Certified Nutrition Health Coach. After launching my business in 2021, I’ve helped numerous women not only heal their relationship with food, but also learn valuable tactics to stop emotional eating. I strive to help my clients reach their goal weight and create more self love while learning how to build long lasting, sustainable habits.

i am ready to live a balanced lifestyle

My Perspective on Healing

Healing isn't easy, but it is possible. I believe we're always learning and growing. Nothing is perfect; there are still days I struggle (and so will you), but when you begin to feel like yourself again, it's the best feeling in the world.

Instead of unhealthy eating habits, I am now living a life consisting of a healthy relationship with food. I no longer binge eat and now enjoy eating my favorite foods with family and friends. Thanks to the Clarify and Nourish Method, I have no more guilt, less anxiety, and am more deeply connected with my body and hunger cues than ever before. This can be you too!


Clarify Wellness

Client Wins

Non Judgmental. Compassionate. Evidence Based. 

"The most significant change I noticed after working with Carlee is how I feel about the way I look and feel. I am more confident in myself and I accept who I am and what my body is capable of. Through the process, Carlee was nonjudgmental and puts the effort in to take care of those she works with." - EO, Age 31

“I went into the program skeptical because I knew I couldn't cut out the food I love or that I wasn't great when it came to trying new foods/recipes but that is the opposite of the outcome. I was still able to enjoy all the food that I love to eat out while learning and better understanding how I can have a better balance of the food. Carlee not only was an amazing mentor but a friend! She changed everything for me and gave me that confidence I need to feel better about the way I live life and look.” - Jess, Age 27

"I have not just lost weight, but I now have better eating habits and am more aware of my portion sizes. I highly recommend Carlee to individuals seeking accountability, support, and an overall healthier lifestyle.” -Julia, Age 25

"The biggest change I have seen with Carlee has been my energy levels!! Before starting to work with Carlee I was constantly tired. As we healed my gut I felt the difference” - Haley, Age 23

"I signed up for Carlee’s program to help me eat healthy, lose weight and feel better and she helped me achieve all three of these!” -K Age 61

Start Your Transformation Today

6 Tips to Transform Your Eating Habits + Relationship with Food (plus journaling activity)

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